
  1 - Beach nourishment

      RV20/1-List/collect/commission photographs aerial - Survey by aerial photography
Photographs have been obtained in 2000 from Environment Agency with particular regard to the beach nourishment project. Seek update at least once during plan period to allow changing geomorphological patterns to be followed and establish position on net accretion or erosion of coastal habitats.
Aerial photographs are necessary to allow changes to physical extent of features such as dune grassland/scrub community to be assessed. Accurate measurements for intertidal flats will pend the timing of the survey in relation to the time and state of tide.
Survey change in patterns of saltmarsh pan and creek development.

2 - Geomorphology

      RV20/1-List/collect/commission photographs aerial - Survey by aerial photography
Photographs have been obtained in 2000 from Environment Agency with particular regard to the beach nourishment project. Seek update at least once during plan period to allow changing geomorphological patterns to be followed and establish position on net accretion or erosion of coastal habitats.
Aerial photographs are necessary to allow changes to physical extent of features such as dune grassland/scrub community to be assessed. Accurate measurements for intertidal flats will pend the timing of the survey in relation to the time and state of tide.
Survey change in patterns of saltmarsh pan and creek development.

      RP31/1-Collect data, geomorphological, natural event - COLLECT INFORMATION ON STORM EVENTS
Take photographic records and estimate of tide height, wind strength and direction and any other useful physical factors from a single event that has played any important part in affecting the feature.

3 - Weather

      RP00/1-Collect data, climatological - Record weather
Daily meteorological recording from weather station at 0830. The following readings are taken. Max/min temp, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction, humidity, cloud cover, precipitation. Update Excel spreadsheet records at NR office.
Monthly rainfall records submitted to EA.
Voluntary wildfowling ban imposed after XX days below freezing.
Investigate purchase of computerised/automatic weather station.

4 - Visitor pressure

      RH36/1-Collect data, public use, unplanned/undesirable activities -  Record undesirable events
Record all byelaw infringements in unsavoury events log at Sykes Farm.
* Intertidal mud and sand flats: Bait-digging, angling and horse riders, dogs on beach during April-Sept. Any disturbance incidents to feeding waders and wildfowl.
* Unvegetated shingle ridges: Trials bikes, ATVs and 4-wheel drive vehicles. Beach ferry activity. Egg collectors and unauthorised entry into shorebird sanctuary. Any disturbance incidents to wader roosts. Marine traffic eg speedboats and jet-skis may also cause considerable disturbance to roosting waders.
* Shifting dunes with Ammophila: naturist activity, fires etc.
* Atlantic salt-meadows: Samphire-gathering, trials bikes, mountain bikes, ATV's and 4-wheel drive vehicles. Any disturbance to feeding or roosting waders/wildfowl. Monitor yacht club activities/impact along saltmarsh and river bank and extent of erosion on New Saltmarsh track.
* Grey dunes and scrub: flower picking, fires etc.
Particular note should also be kept pertaining to unplanned events.

5 - Flotsam and jetsam

      RH07/1-Collect data, human impact, pollution - Survey marine- borne litter
Visual assessment by staff or key volunteer to appraise the need for litter clearance along strandline/saltmarshes/flats.
Coastwatch survey undertaken to contribute to national scheme.

6 - Coastal Lepidoptera assemblage

      RA42/1-Collect data, Lepidoptera, survey - Survey moths
Set up portable moth trap at Tern Hut to survey for coastal specialities June/July, when suitable weather/personnel.
Records collated on recording forms for entry onto Recorder.
Casual records collected from Aylmer, Field Station and elsewhere, to update lists of resident/migrant sp.

Field Centre trap operated during suitable weather in June to survey for scarce pug.

7 - Strandline invertebrates

      RA82/1-Collect data, other/general invertebrates, survey - Survey invertebrates
Encourage further work on specialist groups, with particular regard to the influences of rabbit-grazing on dune fauna and value of sea buckthorn scrub at various growth stages.
Dr Archer for hymenoptera.
Arachnid recording following training with Annette Binding.
Continue colonisation study of aquatic invertebrates on Stewardship land (Allan and Annette Binding).

8 - Ground-nesting birds

      RA10/1-Collect data, birds - Record BOCC/BAP species
Collate population information on Birds of Conservation Concern (red- listed) and BAP, where not routinely recorded through other survey work ie CBC/shorebird protection scheme.
* Skylark on embryo dunes and foredunes.
* Lapwing on Jackson's Marsh.
* Avocet on Tennyson's Sands.
* Little ringed plover on Jackson's/Tennyson's.
* Skylark, reed bunting, linnet etc on Jackson's/Tennyson's and Croftmarsh.

      RA13/1-Collect data, birds, monitor - Monitor breeding shorebirds
Little tern
Population monitoring:
Record all nesting attempts by little tern, estimate number of pairs involved.  Keep detailed nest records.
Record ultimate productivity/breeding success. Number of chicks hatched per pair, and number of chicks fledged recorded.
Ringed plover
Locate, and record nest sites on embryo dunes/unvegetated shingle ridges.
Other sp
Record nesting attempts by oystercatcher and redshank in the shorebird sanctuary.


1 - Extent

      RV20/1-List/collect/commission photographs aerial - Survey by aerial photography
Photographs have been obtained in 2000 from Environment Agency with particular regard to the beach nourishment project. Seek update at least once during plan period to allow changing geomorphological patterns to be followed and establish position on net accretion or erosion of coastal habitats.
Aerial photographs are necessary to allow changes to physical extent of features such as dune grassland/scrub community to be assessed. Accurate measurements for intertidal flats will pend the timing of the survey in relation to the time and state of tide.
Survey change in patterns of saltmarsh pan and creek development.

2 - Substrate

      RP42/1-Collect data, pedological, survey - Survey substrate
Mud/sand composition. Composition of silts and sands in intertidal zone, will influence colonisation by varied invertebrate communities. In turn, this will determine the value of the feeding grounds for various species of wader.
Substrate survey needs to establish the baseline extent of the resource and proportions of the varied sediment type eg sand and gravels, muddy sand and mud. Additionally, EN monitoring through the SAC monitoring protocols may provide information concerning sediment organic content, penetrability and depth/extent of oxidation layer.
Quality of shingle. Coarse grade shingle is selected for nesting site by little tern and ringed plover. As the sand content increases, the likelihood of colonisation by vegetation increases and suitability of nesting habitat is reduced. Survey work is required to document optimum shingle grade for nesting little terns.
The Trust needs to be kept informed of ongoing survey work carried out by EA contractors, for the beach nourishment scheme. Particle size analysis, calcium carbonate content and benthic communities are of particular importance for the full range of coastal habitats.
Collect information concerning natural sediment supply, particularly shingle, which is excluded from the nourishment scheme.
Ammophila dunes. Survey extent of open sand as constituent of Ammophila dune feature.
Fixed dune with herbaceous vegetation. Survey extent of bare sand as constituent of fixed dune feature.

3 - Mobility

      RV20/1-List/collect/commission photographs aerial - Survey by aerial photography
Photographs have been obtained in 2000 from Environment Agency with particular regard to the beach nourishment project. Seek update at least once during plan period to allow changing geomorphological patterns to be followed and establish position on net accretion or erosion of coastal habitats.
Aerial photographs are necessary to allow changes to physical extent of features such as dune grassland/scrub community to be assessed. Accurate measurements for intertidal flats will pend the timing of the survey in relation to the time and state of tide.
Survey change in patterns of saltmarsh pan and creek development.

4 - Characteristic vegetation

      RF03/2-Collect data, vegetation, monitor - Implement condition assessment monitoring protocols
Follow EN guidelines for community/feature assessment as defined in favourable condition tables for respective feature.

10 Wardening

ML40/1-Liaise, local/national authorities - Liaise Environment Agency
Maintain contact with Lincshore project manager, liase with contractors to arrange survey periods outside shorebird nesting season. Detailed study of beach nourishment now overseen by Halcrow. Receive annual Lincshore reports.
Determine positive/negative effects of beach nourishment on mudflats, embryo dunes, shingle ridges and internationally important sp which depend on them.
Liaise with EA concerning pollution incidents.
Assist with consultation process for shoreline management plans and explore potential for coastal habitat restoration on NW corner of the Wash.
Project brief includes liaison with EA contractors; Halcrow, SGS et al.

      ML40/2-Liaise, local/national authorities - Liaise English Nature
Routine liaison is achieved with English Nature via the NNR team and the JAC. Outside of these committees/teams, management advice and approval is sought from the Conservation Officer at Grantham.

      ME04/1-Remove rubbish - Clear marine-borne litter
Following visual assessment, litter clearances are carried out to remove synthetic refuse. Carried out by probation team etc, outside shorebird nesting season. Some larger items left in shorebird sanctuary to provide cover for shorebird chicks.