Monitoring: factors
1 - Health and Safety

      AI30/1-Implement inspection, site safety - Site safety audit
Monitor full extent of waymarked route to ensure that it is accessible and in good repair. Maintain extent of wheelchair accessible routes to appropriate gradient and surface recommended in Countryside for All guidelines.
Follow bi-monthly schedule of inspection File 3430. To be carried out by staff/key volunteer during the first week of May, July, Sept, Nov, Jan.
Carry out risk assessment for projects and events.

2 - Corporate Image

      RH33/1-Collect data, public use, recreation - Visitor response to interpretative initiatives
Record visitor attendance for events and activities.
Random sample of response for other interpretative material eg leaflets, interpretation boards.
Gauge staffing requirements for annual interpretative programme on site and off-site.
Seek out and train suitable volunteers to assist with interp programme.

3 - Visitor Centre

      RH34/1-Collect data public use, count visitors - Record visitors
Maintain weekly records of visitor use through traffic meter readings.
Maintain weekly records of visitor centre use through people-meter.

4 - Promotions

      RH34/1-Collect data public use, count visitors - Record visitors
Maintain weekly records of visitor use through traffic meter readings.
Maintain weekly records of visitor centre use through people-meter.

5 - Publications

      RH33/1-Collect data, public use, recreation - Visitor response to interpretative initiatives
Record visitor attendance for events and activities.
Random sample of response for other interpretative material eg leaflets, interpretation boards.
Gauge staffing requirements for annual interpretative programme on site and off-site.
Seek out and train suitable volunteers to assist with interp programme.