   MI00/1-Inform public, offsite - CONDUCT TALKS
Respond to requests for talks for outside bodies and interest groups. Standard charge is £25 towards transport costs etc.

      MI10/1-Inform visitors, general - Conduct events
An annual programme of public events is organised and advertised in conjunction with Field Centre staff, during the autumn period. This enables countryside events leaflets to be printed in good time.
Project brief includes attendance/organisation of all events ie official opening ceremony, as well as guided walks advertised in the countryside events leaflet and starnights etc

      MI10/2-Inform visitors, general - Visitor information
Maintain signs detailing bylaws at access points to reserve.
Instate temporary signs at shorebird sanctuary.
Instate temporary dog ban signs in car parks, at Seacroft and at beach access points.
Warden and volunteers based at tern hut to disseminate information on shorebird protection scheme.
Maintain signs to direct visitors away from sensitive areas/sanctuary zones etc.
Maintain car park charge signs for high and low season.
Maintain reserve signs in appropriate and sensitive positions.
Update visitor information board with daily sightings/species reports and info on forthcoming events etc.
Maintain/update web site and 'Wildnews'
Project brief includes all informal visitor liaison.

      MI10/3-Inform visitors, general - CONDUCT GUIDED WALKS
During the summer holiday period (August), a programme of afternoon guided walks is alternated with children's activities (Kidsgang) on scheduled afternoons. This programme is largely overseen by the Field Centre Assistants and volunteers and is open to all members of the public. These activities are advertised through posters at various locations on the reserve and in Skegness. More information can be found in the annual FCA reports.

      MI50/1-Provide interpretative material - MAINTAIN INTERPRETATIVE BOARDS
Provide and maintain the four display/interpretation panels at major access points onto reserve and the seven lecterns which illustrate the habitats along the main visitor routes.
Seek funding to produce new 'Wash' species and habitats panel in Wash Viewpoint.

      MI50/2-Provide interpretative material - IMPLEMENT NATURE TRAIL GUIDE
Seek funding to enable production of a replacement 'walkabout guide', featuring reserve extensions, new visitor route etc.

      MI50/3-Provide interpretative material - IMPLEMENT RESERVE LEAFLET
Seek funding to enable design, artwork and print-run for colour A4 reserve leaflet.

      ML70/1-Liaise, media - LIAISE MEDIA
Continue to raise profile of Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust and conservation issues by servicing local and national media.
Project brief includes preparation and recording of country diary and production of press releases.

      AT50/1-Liaise/supervise voluntary/honorary wardens - LIAISE, Induct and train volunteers
Appropriate induction for all volunteers/work experience students to be given by staff. Induction and training schedule are covered in Volunteer Induction Manual which is given to each volunteer. See AT30/01 for training requirements. Residential volunteer placements for a minimum of 3 months (reviewed at each 3 month period). Training needs assessed and courses organised within HLF budget provision.
Key volunteers are able to assist with most duties including patrolling and bylaw enforcement, following appropriate training.
Project brief includes volunteer liaison and recruitment for reserve, education and Visitor Centre volunteers