4.2.6 Agriculture
POLICY 47A: Agricultural Development
Where it is required, planning permission will be granted for agricultural development on agricultural holdings provided:
•    development proposals do not conflict with the amenities of adjacent land uses, through the provision or adequacy of access arrangements, traffic generation, noise and other forms of pollution;
•    development involving new or expanded accommodation for livestock, including slurry or sewage sludge storage facilities, is not sited within 400 metres of a "protected building";
•    the visual impact of development is minimised, wherever possible and reasonable, by siting it next to existing buildings on the holding.

Agriculture is defined as "horticulture, fruit growing, seed growing, dairy farming, the breeding and keeping of livestock (including any creature kept for the production of food, wool, skins or furs or the purpose of its use in the farming of land), the use of land as grazing land, meadow land, osier land, market gardens and nursery grounds and the use of land for woodlands where it is ancillary to the farming of land for other purposes" (Town and Country Planning Act, 1990).
"Protected building" means "any permanent building which is occupied by people or would be so occupied, if it were in use for which it is apt; but does not include - a building within the agricultural unit or a dwelling or other building on another agriculture unit which is used for or in connection with agriculture" (Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order, 1995).

Justification for Policy 47A
See Paragraphs 6.47 to 6.49   

Policy 47A will be implemented by:
Development Control procedures.

POLICY 47B: Diversification of Agricultural Use
Development proposals intended to help diversify an agricultural holding's economy will be approved for:

1)  business, industry, leisure or sporting use and mixtures of such uses;
2) farm shops (where planning permission is required), provided that:
•    where a change of use of an existing building (including redundant buildings) is involved, and the existing building is considered to be an asset to landscape quality, its character will not be compromised by works to achieve a change of use;
•    where new buildings are involved, they are small scale and functionally linked to either a farm shop or to a field based, open air, leisure or sporting activity of a predominantly quiet character, and are, wherever possible and reasonable, grouped with existing buildings.

Justification for Policy 47B
See Paragraphs 6.50 to 6.54

Policy 47B will be implemented by:
Development Control procedures.