1.  The extent of yellow dune will be monitored during the life of this plan to direct the future management prescription for this feature.  Extent will be measured from aerial photographs to determine any net gain or loss of habitat and any change in the proportion of yellow dune in terms of the whole dune resource.  Extent must take account of natural variation of this habitat as a result of dynamic coastal processes and succession to other dune habitats. The exact location of the feature may change.
    • Target: There should be no significant decrease from established baseline, which is the 1999 aerial survey, subject to natural change.
2.  The continued feed of blown sand will perpetuate the feature and avoid stability.
    • Target: There should be no decrease in the volume of windborne sediment.
3.  An important aspect of this habitat is its ability to modify its distribution in response to natural dynamic coastal processes.  Introduction of physical constraints would reduce the extent of this community and affect the overall structure of the embryonic dune communities.
    • Target: There should be no physical constraint imposed by introduced structures or landforms.
4.  The Ammophila dunes will be surveyed at least once during the reporting cycle, for the presence of key species/NVC communities.
    • Target: There should be no reduction in % cover of key species from the baseline established by the 1999 NVC survey.
Target: Less than 5% scrub on Compts (Outer Ridge, Old Spit, Greenshanks Ridge, Polypody Ridge and long ridge to north).