4.1 Roots of art
Is there an essential difference between humans and animals?    Until recently,  "culture" seemed to be the last stronghold of humanness.  Now, however,  there is no conflict between "nature" and "culture". Culture — defined as "knowledge and habits"' acquired from other individuals, so that two groups of the same species behave differently — is part of nature.
On the Japanese island of Koshima  a primatologist noticed, in 1950, a young female macaque monkey dubbed "Ima" washing a sweet potato in a stream. Later Ima shifted her habitual activity to the beach — salty sea-water evidently made the potatoes taste better. The habit spread first to her playmates, then to her mother and other female relatives, a clear example of social learning within a group.
It is the same story elsewhere. Certain wild communities of chimpanzees demonstrate a form of highly skilled nut-cracking, where a "hammer" stone is used on an "anvil"; others do not. Wild chimpanzees in the Mahale mountains on the east shore of Lake Tanganyika clasp opposite hands in pairs as they groom each other, but another group of the same subspecies of chimpanzee living only 105 miles, away never do it. As human knowledge deepens, we shall find other species that pass on distinct local behaviour — whale songs and the calls of wrens, for example, have regional dialects.
This will be unsurprising to pet-owners and farmers who know the idiosyncratic variations between animals, but we have to see it in the context of the narrow conclusions about animals drawn by behaviourists (some of whom not so long ago thought it was a distraction to observe actual animals at all). Many scientists still refuse to believe that non-human animals have intentions, complex emotions, or the ability to learn by imitation.
Where a species has a recent shared evolutionary history with us, as apes do, it is extreme bias to refuse to understand similar behaviour by reference to our own. Perhaps, before we deny animals a trait like sympathy because they cannot rise to our own moral heights, we should instead ask whether human sympathy has prosaic biological roots.
The sensory apparatus that enables human beings to enjoy and appreciate music and art is very similar to that of other mammals, and is also found in birds. Apes paint with pleasure and concentration.  Given a piece of paper with a single asymmetrically placed mark already on it, they balance it with a mark of their own. It is likely that other creatures respond to symmetry as we do.
Why do we dismiss bower-birds' elaborate and beautifully decorated nests as nothing but automatic mating display — after all, human artists painted partly to spread their genes to models and countesses.  At its most fundamental level human art making is a form of individual and group display.
Every artistic tradition develops on the basis of certain special visual and aesthetic ideas embedded, through social evolution, in a particular culture. These reflect the emotional needs and imaginative prepossessions of the people for whom the art was made; and if we want to understand the meaning of any art we have to explore these cultural ideas in depth.