Water features
Water is a basic resource. It provides some of the richest and most diverse habitats, especially in the form of linear corridors, which are particularly important to wildlife movement and landscape quality. The integrity of the water environment will be a major consideration in the location of development. Water supply, landscape, conservation, habitat and recreation are all inextricably linked and development should have regard to the needs of all users.

Water courses, lakes and large ponds are notable features of the "downhill" landscape. They contribute greatly to local sense-of-place and also to the City's ecology. Some of them, such as Swanholme Lakes, are of major ecological importance in their own right. Others such as the Brayford Pool and the canalised River Witham in the City Centre, are more obviously valuable for their landscape or townscape contribution. The distinction is, however, rather false in practice, e.g. are the swans in the City Centre more valuable for their ecological interest or the interest they add to the townscape and the contribution they make to local identity?

The important point is that Lincoln would be significantly poorer without its water features and, therefore, every effort should be made to safeguard their biodiversity and ecology by protecting them from pollution, insensitively designed and located developments and other forms of degradation. Taking this principle a stage further, it is very important that waterside developments should take full advantage of the special setting which water provides.   Again, the value in terms of townscape interest, local identity and the creation of a pleasant environment for all to enjoy, is incalculable.