4.2.14 Site enhancement
POLICY 45B: Developer Contributions to the Enhancement of Ecological and Landscape Assets
Where the amenity of a proposed development will benefit significantly from its proximity or relationship to land in the form of, or proposed as, publicly accessible open space, the Local Planning Authority will negotiate with developers for contributions towards the enhancement (creative conservation) of the enjoyment of those areas by the public.

Justification for Policy 45B
See Paragraphs 6.33 to 6.35

Policy 45B will be implemented by:
Development Control procedures and any necessary legal obligations.
POLICY 46A: Woodland and Other Major Planting Initiatives
As and when resources allow:

1}  new woodland will be established on City Council owned land at the eastern end of Great Northern Terrace (in such a way that road access to the proposed eastern By-pass is not precluded) and will  also be considered as one option for the use of land to the west of Swanpool Wood;

2)  major planting schemes will be undertaken to provide linear buffers:
•    between the Ermine Estates and the Lincoln Relief Road;
•    along the boundaries of Oak Farm where these abut the Lincoln to Newark railway and the Swanpool Estate, in advance of the proposed development at Skewbridge;
•    along major routes (road, rail and water) into the City Centre.

Justification for Policy 46A
See Paragraphs 6.38 to 6.43

Policy 46A will be implemented by:
Pursuing the Woodland Management Strategy.