Roaring Meg Marsh 36
Grid Ref: SK987738 

Status:     Site of Nature Conservation Importance (Lincolnshire Trust)                  

This area is a small area of limestone spring and marsh (0.5ha approx.) north of the St. Giles area of the City, close to Nettleham Road. The site has been designated as Critical Natural Asset for the following reasons;

1) The site is one of 11 sites in Lincoln with areas of neutral grassland/marsh representing 0.2% of that habitat in Lincoln. There are areas dominated by great willowherb Epilobium hirsutum and reed canary-grass Phalaris arundinacea.

2) The site supports a number of passerine species uncommon in an urban environment, including willow warbler, bullfinch, mistle thrush and redpoll.

3) The site is an isolated area of green space in the extreme north-west of the City, an area with no other green space or Sites of Nature Conservation Importance in the immediate area.

Landscape Value
Visually attractive marshland area which will provide local identity within proposed new development in the area. Site is of historical importance as source of a Roman aqueduct.