Bracebridge Corner 3
Grid Ref: SK967683

Status:     Site of Nature Conservation Importance (Lincolnshire Trust)

An area of approximately 1ha of secondary and planted woodland on the corner of Newark Road, between the road and the River Witham.

The site has been designated as Critical Natural Asset for the following reasons:

1) The site is woodland, one of 9 predominantly woodland sites within the city and represents approximately 1% of Lincoln's woodland resource. It contains alder Alnus glutinosa, beech Fagus sylvativca, horse chestnut Aesculus hippocastanum, ash Fraxinus excelsior and silver birch Betula pendula, hedges and small areas of rough grassland (area unquantified).

2) The site supports species typical of mature woodland edge, including white dead-nettle Lamium album, wood avens Geum urbanum and black horehound Ballota nigra.

3) The site supports strong populations of the more common passerines such as blue tit, wren, blackbird, mistle thrush, garden warbler and willow warbler.

4) The site is an important component in a complex of SNCIs along the Witham valley, providing a wildlife corridor allowing species movement from the rural south right into the city centre.

Landscape Value
Attractive area of mixed scrub and rough grassland with frontage of mature trees in a visually prominent position at the junction of main approach roads to the City. Important to the established character of Bracebridge and as a component of the proposed Witham Valley Green Wedge.