6.13.2 Projects
1 - Administration

      ME01/3-Boundary structures - MAINTAIN  BOUNDARIES
Maintain boundary posts at Seacroft, to demarcate reserve boundary and deter vehicular access. Project may be referred to ELDC.

      AA30/1-Declare site - DECLARE LNR
Pursue LNR status for Jackson's Marsh, Tennyson's Sands and Croftmarsh.

      AL00/1-Maintain holding, legal, by e.g. renewing lease/agreement/tenancy - RENEW LEASE
Pursue lease renewal with ELDC and LCC. Pursue extended lease with LCC, (99 years).

      AP10/1-Prepare/revise work programme - PREPARE WORK PROGRAMME
Prepare annual work programme on CMS, update task list and project staff and volunteer time input for projects.

      AP20/2-Prepare/revise plan, management plans - REVISE MANAGEMENT PLAN
A management plan review may be undertaken at the end of the HLF programme in 2003. By this time, experience of event reporting will have highlighted any changes required to the project structure. It is anticipated that phase II of the plan will be completed by this time, covering land outside of the NNR.
Future management plan content will be ratified by the NNR team, English Nature, LCC and ELDC.

      AS00/3-Protect site, by promulgating/enforcing laws - IMPLEMENT BYLAW EXTENSIONS
Seek to extend bylaws over Croftmarsh proposed LNR. NB bylaws will need to allow for legitimate cycle traffic along perimeter route.

      AS10/1-Protect site, by implementing visiting permit system - MANAGE DAY VISIT GROUPS
Any party consisting of more than 10 people constitutes a day visit group. Virtually all such groups are sourced from educational establishments or natural history interest societies. Group visiting is organised through a day visit booking system, to ensure that the resource is not overused and to ensure that clashes between different user groups are avoided. In addition to any resident group in the Field Centre, the following conditions apply;
- Schoolgroup bookings are taken from Tuesday to Thursday inclusive.
- Group size is limited to a ceiling of 50, or a single coach.
- The above groups are led by a member of Gib staff or supply teacher.
- There is a scale of charges for services.

      AS20/1-Protect site/species, by implementing collecting/research permit syste - IMPLEMENT RESEARCH PERMIT
Each request for a collecting permit will be judged on its own merits and justification. Referral to English Nature may be necessary. In general, research is encouraged through limited collection of specimens and under the stipulation that the Trust receives the results of that research.

      AR00/1-Prepare report, project recording - Administer and report on projects
Adhere to reporting schedule for the following:
* HLF Five Year Prog.
* Stewardship. Annual report due in October for Jackson's Marsh and Tennyson's Sands.
* RES-Quarterly report on project progress.
* Field Staff Report schedule.
Project brief includes event reporting on CMS.

      AR20/1-Prepare report, annual progress - Prepare annual wildlife report
Prepare summary reports for all relevant disciplines and publish scientific papers and survey results relevant to the reserve during the year. Produce for sale and publicity purposes.

      AR30/1-Prepare correspondence, general - PREPARE GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE
Project brief covers time spent on written (incl e-mail) and verbal/telephone correspondance assosciated with the nature reserve.

      AR40/1-Record administrative details, e.g. staff appointments/visits - RECORD GENERAL ADMIN - NATURE RESERVE
Project brief covers office-based digestion of paperwork, literature/reports, filing, pc husbandry, office maintenance issues etc.

      AR40/2-Record administrative details, e.g. staff appointments/visits - RECORD ADMINISTRATION - FIELD CENTRE
A broad-based project to record time spent by the SM on Field Centre administration. Includes; attendance of Field Centre Team and other meetings, staff liaison and all financial business, management and administration of the centre.

      AF00/1-Finance, general - MANAGE BUDGET/FINANCE
Preparation and management of budget, accounts papers and grant applications.
Project brief includes cashing up car park and visitor centre takings. The latter is carried out on a daily basis whilst the former will also be carried out daily during busy periods in the high season.

      AT30/1-Train staff, other - Induct and train staff
Adhere to induction programme for newly appointed contract warden in April. Ensure first aid training needs are addressed. Assess other training needs and arrange courses as necessary within budget provision. Detailed induction necessary for shorebird protection scheme, including bylaw enforcement procedures.
Project brief includes training for Site Manager, Assistant Warden and Contract Warden. Authorisation must be gained from the Site Manager prior to the operation of any motor driven equipment. A training schedule and record is included in the induction manual.
The following table identifies specific minimum training requirements.
Chainsaw: Formal certification of competence by HSE approved training & assessment organisation.
Tractor Driving*: Possession of a full UK driving licence together with a full in house training provided by a competent person.
Brush-cutter/strimmer: Ideally NPTC units of competence otherwise in house training by a competent person.
Polaris 6x6 Magnum*: In-house training by a competent person.
Acrobat & Tractor: Possession of a full UK driving licence together with a full in house training provided by a competent person.
Tractor & Hog: Possession of a full UK driving licence together with a full in house training provided by a competent person.
Laser Mini tractor: In-house training by competent person.
BCS Reciprocator*: In-house training by competent person.
BCS Mini baler*: In-house training by competent person.
Knapsack Spraying*: Formal certification of competence by HSE approved training & assessment organisation.
Handheld weedwiper*: In-house training by NPTC assessed person (who mixes chemical).
Vauxhall Brava*: Aged over 21 years. Full UK driving licence. In-house training by competent person.
Hand tools: In-house training by competent person.
All personnel will receive sufficient information, instruction and training that is necessary to safely use, clean, maintain and store such equipment and associated PPE.

2 - Health and Safety

      ME12/2-Buildings, maintain/improve - MAINTAIN BUILDINGS
Project brief covers all interior and exterior maintenance/repair or improvement works on the buildings and grounds at Sykes Farm, and at Aylmer Avenue, including any connected liaison with contractors or architect.

      AL40/1-Prepare/revise plan, policy & legislation - REVISE HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY
Revise health and safety policy for reserve, in line with changes in legislation and LWT policy. Update risk assessments.

      AL40/2-Prepare/revise plan, policy & legislation - REVISE FLOOD PLAN
Revise flood plan for reserve, buildings and residents. Advice from EA.

      AI10/1-Implement inspection, site equipment - CONDUCT ELECTRICAL TESTING
All electric items eg power tools, pc's etc will be checked annually by a qualified technician on a service contract.

      AI10/2-Implement inspection, site equipment - MAINTAIN FIRST AID KITS
Bi-annual check and restock of first aid kits to be carried out.

      AI10/3-Implement inspection, site equipment - CONDUCT PPE INSPECTION
Schedule annual check of all personal protective equipment, eg condition of work gloves, chainsaw leggings, date of safety helmets etc. Maintain inventory of ppe.

      AI30/1-Implement inspection, site safety - Site safety audit
Monitor full extent of waymarked route to ensure that it is accessible and in good repair. Maintain extent of wheelchair accessible routes to appropriate gradient and surface recommended in Countryside for All guidelines.
Follow bi-monthly schedule of inspection File 3430. To be carried out by staff/key volunteer during the first week of May, July, Sept, Nov, Jan.
Carry out risk assessment for projects and events.

      AI30/2-Implement inspection, site safety - IMPLEMENT SYKES FARM SAFETY AUDIT
Annual inspection of premises, including office, workshop and storage bays to be undertaken by LWT Health and Safety Advisor.
Annual inspection of fire-fighting equipment, carried out by qualified technician on contract schedule.

      AR00/2-Prepare report, project recording - MAINTAIN CHEMICAL RECORDS
Details of chemical use will be recorded, with relevance to chemical type and volume used, reasons for use, by whom and any disposal procedure. Chemical records submitted to HQ annually.

      AR10/1-Prepare report, incident, e.g. fire/accident - MAINTAIN ACCIDENT BOOK
An accident book is kept at the Sykes Farm Office. All accidents and 'near misses' must be recorded in this book. Copies of all incidents will be forwarded to Trust HQ annually. The Trust Health and Safety Advisor will be made aware of any serious incidents as early as possible, particularly if RIDOR procedures will be initiated.

3 - Liaison

      ML30/2-Liaise, neighbours - LIAISE NEIGHBOURS
Maintain positive relations with neighbouring Croftmarsh landowners. Advise on management of fields 6 and 10.
Liaise with residents of Green Lodge regarding Nathusius pipistrelle nursery roost.
Project brief covers all liaison with neighbouring owners/occupiers.

      ML30/3-Liaise, neighbours - LIAISE SKEGNESS YACHT CLUB
General liaison with Skegness yacht club committee and members.

      ML40/3-Liaise, local/national authorities - LIAISE DEFRA/FRCA
Project brief covers liaison with officers from above agency, mostly pertaining to Countryside Stewardship agreements.

      ML40/4-Liaise, local/national authorities - LIAISE LINDSEY MARSH DRAINAGE BOARD
Liaison concerning advice and consents for water level management on Croftmarsh.

      ML80/5-Liaise, others - LIAISE NNR TEAM
The NNR team meets at least twice per year, to consider all aspects pertinent to the management and administration of the NNR. The meetings also provide an important formal link with EN.

      ML80/6-Liaise, others - LIAISE LWT STAFF
Project brief covers liaison with all LWT staff (non-Gib staff) and includes Field Staff meetings and Senior Staff meetings etc.

      AT40/1-Liaise/supervise staff/contractors - LIAISE RESERVE STAFF
Close liaison is maintained by the reserve team on a daily basis. A work schedule meeting is held on a weekly basis to plan the events and projects of the forthcoming week and exchange other information. This requires approx one hour at the end of a Thursday or Friday afternoon.
On site communication is maintained via short-wave radio and mobile phone.
Mobile phone is taken with staff/volunteers on regional work programme.
Reserve staff liaise closely with Field Centre Staff and this is covered under AR40/02.

      AT50/1-Liaise/supervise voluntary/honorary wardens - LIAISE, Induct and train volunteers
Appropriate induction for all volunteers/work experience students to be given by staff. Induction and training schedule are covered in Volunteer Induction Manual which is given to each volunteer. See AT30/01 for training requirements. Residential volunteer placements for a minimum of 3 months (reviewed at each 3 month period). Training needs assessed and courses organised within HLF budget provision.
Key volunteers are able to assist with most duties including patrolling and bylaw enforcement, following appropriate training.
Project brief includes volunteer liaison and recruitment for reserve, education and Visitor Centre volunteers.

      AT60/1-Liaise/supervise voluntary/other working groups - LIAISE VOLUNTEER GROUP
Liaise closely with the Skegness area members group (SKAG).