1.2 Environmental appraisal
As the rate of social change accelerates, so there is an increased need for long- term management of community  assets to maintain cultural stability. At the heart of being environmentally friendly 'is the problem of how to turn  Agenda 21, the blueprint of the 1992 Rio Environment Summit, into political, social and technological management  systems for sustainable development. This can only be achieved by transforming our more demanding consumer  systems into 'systems of sustainability' using appropriate methods of environmental appraisal with operational  indicators for checking out success of local community management plans.
In its early days the four themes of SCAN were:-
  • 'Pointers to Change'- tick box forms, and visual/literary expressions of place, which bring forward  environmental problems, issues and challenges facing local communities.
  • 'Voicing the past'- how to produce an interactive oral archive incorporating local wisdom of senior citizens.
  • 'Stone Tapes'- using the local built environment to appraise how the community was created through  historical investments and plans for economic development
  • 'Clocking Nature' - environmental appraisal using nature diaries to highlight special biological elements of the community through literary and pictorial records of the passing of seasons
In 1999, SCAN in collaborated with the UK Conservation Management System Partnership (now a consortium) (http://www.cmsconsortium.org) in an EC LIFE Environment programme to evTaluate a professional software package as a community conservation toolkit. A mindmap, entitled cultural ecology, was also produced which places conservation management alongside world development as a provisional syllabus for living on an overcrowded planet (www.culturalecology.info
This work was funded by Texaco(Pembroke refinery)..