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Delivery framework for integrated management of adaptations to Transport management Business Residential management Government Sustainable travel centres Smarter choices for travel Travel planning- reduce overall need and better information Model interchanges for access to city centres Walking and cycling Investment in rail services Traffic management Freight industry Promote ecodriving Economic renewal for stronger prosperous and sustainable econom Carbon Trust's five areas to reduce carbon footprints Resource efficiencies Skilling for low carbon economy Efficient use of waste heat and energy Maximise energy generation from low carbon and renewable resour Area based energy efficiency programmes Energy efficiency to reduce fuel poverty Community scale energy generation Energy use in social housing Behaviour change at home Low carbon new build Creating woodland as carbon sink Glastir supports farmers to preserve soil carbon and develop on Change in farming practice Diary and meat road maps Embedding actions on climate change Carbon footprint of estate Carbon footprint of NHS Carbon footprint of education services Others Land use planning Low carbon regions and spatial planning Resource efficiency and waste management Local authority Service boards Other public bodies Unions and workforce Third sector People and communities Community behaviour change programme Community Pathfinder project Social marketing community initiatives Networking good practice Ecosystem services management Effects of climate change on biodiversity Effects of climate change on marine/coastal systems Improved resilience of woodland to climate change Farm managers to adapt through better water and biodiversity ma Improved resiience of amenity and biodiversity in new water inf Time banking Community woodlands/orchards Transition towns Local renewable energy schemes Supporting services Provisioning services Regulating services Cultural services Organisational change management Forestry strategy Fisheries strategy Home and community management Community action cycle Investment in buses UK Government interventions UK Interventions UK Government interventions Woodland creation Scaling up what works Enabling response from others UK interventions Reconnecting people with the natural environment